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Organizing Committee Member:

  1. Steering the scientific program throughout the conference.
  2. Proposing potential speakers for the conference.
  3. Proposing collaborations with societies / NGOs / non-profit associations having vested interest in the scope of conference.
  4. Initial Review of submitted abstracts

Abstract Submission:

  1. Abstracts for Oral/Poster presentation should be submitted online
  2. Abstract should not exceed 250 words
  3. Abstract should be submitted as per the required format with title, presenter details, abstract and biography.
  4. Incomplete abstracts will not go for review process and are not accepted for presentation.


  1. Submit your presentation at the kiosk at least one hour (1 hr) before your presentation
  2. Please ensure your first slide is a title slide stating - your name, presentation title and affiliation.
  3. Keep your material simple.
  4. Essential information and font should be large and bold.
  5. Slides are easier to read when there is a high contrast between the text and the background.
  6. Question hour will be during the presentation or at the end of the session depending on the time.
  7. All are requested to wrap their presentation in the allotted time slot.


  1. Each presenter will be provided with a 1 meter x 1 meter poster presenting area and mounting pins / stick-tape.
  2. Participants are responsible for mounting their posters during the presentation and in removing them as soon as the session ends.
  3. The effectiveness of a poster presentation will be enhanced by using techniques such as mounting the sheets on colored construction paper, etc., to improve the graphic impact. Please note, however, that simplicity, ease of reading, etc., are more important than artistic flair. Illustrations should not be mounted on heavy stock as this could make them difficult to mount on poster boards.
  4. Avoid overcrowding figures and cramming too many numbers into tables. Legends and titles should accompany all figures, tables, photographs, etc. in order to allow their immediate identification.
  5. The presenting author should present at the poster during the poster session.