
About the Event

4th Edition of Nanotechnology and Materials Science 2025 aims to provide high-quality current reports of scientific progress and best practices in the field of Nanotechnology through its invited presentations, submitted oral and poster abstracts. The conference is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas across a broad range of disciplines.

Nanotechnology-2025 will host leading scientists from academia and industry worldwide, to discuss the latest developments in the fields of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology and Materials Science. The conference aims to provide many interesting perspectives on how science and technology of materials from nano to macro level are changing rapidly, thereby providing new opportunities and challenges to explore to the scientists and engineers. 

Nanotechnology-2025 aims to bring together front-line experts from multidisciplinary research and application areas to join this conference, to discuss the benefits of Nanotechnology and materials science in their Research and Development efforts to advance the networking, and collaborating between different academia, research and market leaders in the field and to stimulate the exchange of educational concepts. 

The conference will witness important presentations by an extensive range of eloquent speakers, policy makers and scientific leaders from around the world; who will assemble with the common objective of making this world a better place by providing a solution to the problems. 

Nanotechnology-2025 will introduce the delegates to the new developments and breakthroughs in many disciplines of nanotechnology and materials science through various speakers and workshop sessions. It will feature a scientific program of Keynote lectures and invited talks by world-eminent personalities, special sessions, debates, scientific discussions, oral and poster presentations of peer-reviewed contributions to share the most recently breaking research development, discovery and industrial progress from different disciplines in Nanotechnology and Materials Science. 

Abstract Submission Opens: June 23, 2024

Early Registration Ends: December 20, 2024

Conference Dates: April 14-15, 2025

  • Academicians
  • Industry Professionals
  • Researchers
  • Students
  • Business Entrepreneurs

Conference Sessions

The Scientific Colloquium brings you an immense opportunity to be a part of scientific acceleration to world class personalities, young scholars, scientific delegates and young scientists to join in this forum to utilize the expertise and novelties that brings a new era for innovations in the fields of Nanotechnology and Materials Science research which brings well versed scrutinizers at one place. It provides a platform to have open discussions, knowledge sharing and interactive sessions with field experts at Nano-Materials-2025. We request you to submit a brief idea or abstract of your talk/presentation/symposium/workshop according to your session interest

  • Nanotechnology and Material Science
  • Applications of Nanotechnology
  • Nano materials and Nano fabrication
  • Biomaterials and Polymer Chemistry
  • Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Materials
  • Nano composites and Multi-functional Materials
  • Energy materials
  • Graphene and 2D Materials
  • Materials Science-Fundamentals & Characterization
  • Artificial Intelligence and Nanodevices
  • Mining and Metallurgy
  • Nanomedicine and Biomedical Engineering
  • Materials-Environment Interactions
  • Nanomedical Approaches for Cancer Diagnosis
  • Materials Processing and Product Manufacturing
  • Tissue Nanoengineering
  • Surface Engineering
  • Nanobiotechnology
  • Energy Harvesting Materials
  • Nanotechnology for Energy and the Environment
  • Polymer Engineering
  • Ceramic Materials
  • Carbon nanomaterial, devices and technologies
  • Nanophotonics and Optics
  • Functional Materials: Properties & Applications
  • Robotics and Mechatronics
  • Risks and Regulation of Nanotechnology
  • Advancements in Materials Science and Nanotech
  • Emerging areas of Materials Science and Nanotech

Plenary Speakers

Keynote Committee

Organizing Committee

Event Location